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      Wuxi Precision Casting Factory home, welcome to visit Wuxi Yongsheng Metals Goods Co.,Ltd.!

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      Valve class Precision Castings
      Mechanical parts casting
      Automotive Parts Casting
      Casting structure
      Civil metal casting
      Precision Casting Valve Parts
      Mechanical parts casting
      Valve, pump class
      Auto parts casting
      Structural precision casting
      Civil metal casting
      Precision Casting Valve Parts
      Mechanical parts casting

      Contact Us

      Contact: Zhiyong,Lu

      Hotline:86- 13806173867
      Contact: Miss Ma

      Tel: 0510-68916532
      Fax: 0510-68916533
      E-mail: lyzz@vip.163.com 

      Website: http://m.24bqkk.cn

      Address: No. 38 Xiqun Meicun Industrial Park Road, Wuxi

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      Precision Castings

      Publisher: Wuxi Yongsheng Metals Goods Co.,Ltd. Release Time:2015/10/15 19:56:19 Clicks:2119 Close
      Previous product: Sol precision casting  Next product: Hardware precision castings
      Product Details

           Precision casting products are mostly metal, casting surface is easily corroded, difficult to clean up after the rust, affect the use of the casting, this time will be carried out before treatment, here we look at precision castings in the pre-treatment process.
           1, first soak or wash with clean water. Before the workpiece degreasing chemical rust, first clean the workpiece (immersion), one can first workpiece clean again, the second is to enrich the pore surface with water, easy to clean after chemical treatment.
           2, using mechanical means to remove the oxide. Such as: tumbling, sand blasting, polishing, grinding and so on. Some precision castings treated by this method, and then the water after washing, or other direct blackened rust treatment.
           3, degreasing rust activation. Due to the casting surface porosity more after contamination, especially oil, is difficult to remove, handle bad impact on the entire anti-rust treatment, can not reach the intended purpose, including iron, copper, aluminum and its alloys castings.

      About Us

      Wuxi Yongsheng Metals Goods Co.,Ltd.


      Contact: Zhiyong Lu
      Contact: Miss Ma

      Tel: 0510-68916532
      Fax: 0510-68916533
      E-mail: lyzz@vip.163.com



      Address: No. 38 Xiqun Road Industrial Park, Jiangsu Wuxi Meicun

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      Code:  8232
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